Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cultural differences

My visit to USA has taught me many things that are impossible to summarize in a few words.
When we think of education and what we want for our students, we are also thinking about what kind of person we want our students to become.
A trip like this has shown me that although you had an idea of what the human being is and this idea may have been correct; possibly it is not the only correct perception. It is indispensable to avoid relativism, but it is a mistake to think that your way is the only way. I have found many valuable things from each of the different cultures on this trip.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Home-School conection

To educate is build the future, and for this reason the responsability of educate can not be avoided for schools and parents first, and for society, secondly. Althought it seems something obvious, many parents declare that if their children are poorly educated, the fault is of the schools. Alike many teachers complain that their students do not go educated to school, and they do not hesitate in assert that the teacher´s goal is teach contents but not educate.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights saids (art. 26,3.) "Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children". Althougt it has been a polemic topic, I think that this article declares a right but also a responsability for parents who can not delegate in the schools.

The European Union in European Report on the quality of school education (2001) http://ec.europa.eu/education/policies/educ/indic/rapinen.pdf
recognizes the effective contribution that parents can give to improve the schools.

In Spain, the Constitucion from 1978 declares the right and obligation of parents of educate to their children, and it establishes the posibility that teachers, students and parents participe in the goverment of schools. It gives a context where is posible to share the responsability of educate between home and schools. But the reality is diferent. Althought this posibility exist, many parents and teachers prefer work alone or give this responsability to others.
I think that it is not just a right and a obligation but the best way to cooperate in order to get the best education for our children. It is the best way by which teachers can meet the student's environment and, by extension, the same student. It is also the best way to give the same message to the students and avoid contradictions. It is a hard task that in my country must be fostered if we want improve our educational system and hope a better future.